Sign Language
- Captioned Materials - Free Loans (National Association for the Deaf)
Loans Captioned Media Program (CMP) materials. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education. 11-99
- Deaf and Hearing Impaired Resources
Provides sources of information.
- Hearing Impaired Resources (League for the Hard of Hearing)
Provides a listing of sources of information of interest to persons with deafness or hearing impairments.
- Lipreading Bibliography (PSL)
Provides a bibliography on lipreading, visual speech analysis, lip-tracking or speechreading.
- Phone Communication for the Hearing Impaired (AT and T)
Provides information on Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) and Text Telephone (TTY) services.
- Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
Provides educational videotapes.
- Videos for American Sign Language (ASLAccess.org)
Provides a library of 200 videos to learn and use ASL for free distribution through libraries. 2-02
- -Stem Cells Restore Hearing in Animals (Time.com)
"In a promising early study, researchers from the U.K. restored hearing in deaf gerbils by using human embryonic stem cells. It’s an encouraging finding for some of the millions of people who suffer from hearing disorders."
"Stem cells can be coaxed into any type of cell in the body, and while they have been turned into auditory nerve cells before, this is the first study to show that such transplanted cells can actually restore hearing." 09-12
- Hearing Impairment Prevention (League for the Hard of Hearing)
Provides ideas and resources for prevention of hearing loss.
- Study: MP3 Players Dangerous for Ears (CBS News)
"Since damage to hearing caused by high volume is determined by its duration, continuous listening to an MP3 player, even at a seemingly reasonable level, can damage the delicate hair cells in the inner ear that transmit sound impulses to the brain."
"Studies have shown that people exposed to 85 decibels for eight hours tend to develop hearing loss," Brian Fligor, ScD, of Children's Hospital in Boston, tells WebMD. He found that all the CD players he examined produced sound levels well in excess of 85 decibels."
"Every time you increase a sound level by three decibels, listening for half as long will produce the same amount of hearing loss. The kid who cuts my grass uses an iPod. The lawn mower noise is about 80 to 85 decibels. If he likes listening to his iPod 20 decibels above that, he's in the range of 100-105 decibels. At that sound level he shouldn't listen for more than eight to 15 minutes." 8-05