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  1. Inclusion Resources (Special Education Network)
      Provides sources of information to provide inclusive settings for special education services.

  2. Inclusive Education for Individuals With Disabilities (Special Education Network)
      Provides sources of information for improving inclusiveness.

  3. School Psychology Resources
      "Research learning disabilities, ADHD, functional behavioral assessment, autism, adolescence, parenting, psychological assessment, special education, mental retardation, mental health, and more." 10-09

  4. Specific Diagnoses (Family Village) 2-00
  1. National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities
      "NDPC-SD is committed to providing technical assistance to assist states in building capacity to design/select and implement effective, evidence-based interventions and programs to address dropout among students with disabilities. NDPC-SD employs various strategies to transfer knowledge and to support systems change and capacity building. These include direct consultation in designing state-level initiatives based on state-identified needs, product and document reviews, technical assistance, professional development institutes, and Web-based resources."

  2. The Sibling Support Project 8-00
  1. Paralympics
      Provides news. 10-09


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