- Inclusion Resources (Special Education Network)
Provides sources of information to provide inclusive settings for special education services.
- Inclusive Education for Individuals With Disabilities (Special Education Network)
Provides sources of information for improving inclusiveness.
- School Psychology Resources
"Research learning disabilities, ADHD, functional behavioral assessment, autism, adolescence, parenting, psychological assessment, special education, mental retardation, mental health, and more." 10-09
- Specific Diagnoses (Family Village) 2-00
- National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities
"NDPC-SD is committed to providing technical assistance to assist states in building capacity to design/select and implement effective, evidence-based interventions and programs to address dropout among students with disabilities. NDPC-SD employs various strategies to transfer knowledge and to support systems change and capacity building. These include direct consultation in designing state-level initiatives based on state-identified needs, product and document reviews, technical assistance, professional development institutes, and Web-based resources."
- The Sibling Support Project 8-00
- Paralympics
Provides news. 10-09