Also TryLists
- Specialized Search Engines (Awesome Library)
Provides search engines, by topic. 6-99
- Ask for Kids (Ask.com
Ask a short question in your own words and Jeeves will quickly look for an Internet answer.
- Bibliophiles: Search Engines for Bibliophiles (MatchAColleg.com)
"Whether you want to find a great deal on the latest thriller or do some extensive research for a school project, these 100 search engines and web tools can help to point you in the right direction, saving you time that can be better spent reading." 10-08
- CAG Enterprises
Provides search boxes for the most popular search engines and some specialized search engines, such as in education.
- Copernic 2000
Provides free software for searches of multiple search engines simultaneously.
Provides results by popularity and number of links to the site. Also provides a cached version of each page, in case the server is down at the time.
- Open Directory
Provides over 2 million links in over 200,000 categories. Rated as the best directory on the Web by PC World magazine (September 2000). 8-00
- Patents Search (United States Patent and Trademark Office)
Provides "full text of all US patents issued since January 1, 1976, and full-page images of each page of every US patent issued since 1790."
- Pictures Search (North Central Regional Educational Laboratory)
Provides a search engine for child-safe pictures. 1-02
- Profusion
Search up to three search engines at once, with duplicate findings removed. Search using the fastest engines or the most accurate engines or a combination of both.
- Simple Searches (DuckDuck.com)
Provides simple and quick searches. 08-11
- SurfSafely.com - Family Safe Searches (SurSafely.com)
Provides resources that have been rated for child safety. 10-01
Purchase Resources
- Advanced Search Tips (Smith)
Provides assistance with advanced searches using seven different Web libraries or "search engines."
- Children's Search Engines (Ivy's Kid Search)
Provides search engines that have child-safe resources. 5-02
- Google Search Tips (New York Times)
"I’m always amazed that more people don’t know the little tricks you can use to get more out of a simple Google search. Here are 10 of my favorites." 04-10
- How Search Engines Are Used (Pew Charitable Trusts)
Reports Patterns of Use of Search Engines. 7-02
- Multicultural and Multilingual Search Engine (GlobalDiversitySearch.net)
Provides a search engine that can search in a variety of languages. 9-02
- Search Engine Design (Macmillan Publishers - Nature)
Provides a discussion on the next steps in the development of search engines, with an emphasis on the Google search engine. 5-00
- Search Engine Rating Systems (Search Engine Watch - Sullivan)
Provides descriptions of how each major search engine rates sites. 01-07
- Search Engines (Get-Visitors-Now.com)
Provides a list of major English-language search engines by country. 08-07
- Using Search Engines (SearchEngineWatch.com)
Provides information to help with finding information on search engines. 01-07
- Business to Business Directory (TradeFord.com)
Directory provides business opportunities to global buyers, suppliers and manufacturers.