- Compulsive Shopping Disorder (AddictionRecover.org)
"Compulsive shopping and spending is described as a pattern of chronic, repetitive purchasing that becomes difficult to stop and ultimately results in harmful consequences. It is defined as an impulse control disorder and has features similar to other addictive disorders without involving use of an intoxicating drug." 6-05
- Compulsive Shopping Disorder (BankRate.com)
"Is your closet overflowing with never-worn clothing, the price tags still waving in the breeze? Is your attic bulging with boxes and boxes of shoes that have never touched pavement? Do you buy new makeup weekly or compact discs by the fistful?"
"You might be a shopaholic."
"Studies estimate that as many as 17 million Americans, better than one in 20 of us, can't control our urge to shop, even at the expense of our job, our marriage, our family and our finances." 6-05
- Compulsive Shopping Disorder (PlanetPsych.com)
"There are five distinct Impulse Disorders."
"Intermittent Explosive Disorder is evidenced by episodes of acting out aggression and causing bodily harm and/or property destruction."
"Kleptomania is evidenced by acting out the impulse to misappropriate objects without the motive of monetary gain."
"Pyromania is evidenced by setting fires for hedonistic purposes."
"Pathological Gambling is evidenced by habitual, self destructive gambling."
"Tricotillomania is evidenced by recurrent hair pulling resulting in significant hair loss with a motivation of self gratification or tension release." 6-05
- Impulse Control Disorders (PsychologyInfo.com)
"Many psychological problems are characterized by a loss of control or a lack of control in specific situations. Usually, this lack of control is part of a pattern of behavior that also involves other maladaptive thoughts and actions, such as substance abuse problems or sexual disorders like the paraphilias (e.g. pedophilia and exhibitionism). When loss of control is only a component of a disorder, it usually does not have to be a part of the behavior pattern, and other symptoms must also be present for the diagnosis to be made."
"But, there are several psychological disorders that are defined primarily by loss of control. These impulse control problems will be described here briefly:"
* Intermittent Explosive Disorder
* Domestic Violence
* Kleptomania
* Pyromania
* Pathological Gambling
* Trichotillomania 6-05