- Articles and Research (Davidson Institute for Talent Development)
Provides over a hundred articles, in alphabetic order, to assist parents, students, or researchers understand and work with gifted learners. 10-02
- Ementoring - Assessing the Potential of Ementoring (Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory - Fulop)
"The purposes of this e-resource are to overview some of the key issues related to ementoring and to assist your program think about the implications of ementoring as a strategy to meet the needs of the youth that your agencies serve." 2-02
- Ementoring - Website Development for Mentoring Programs (Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory - Garringer)
"This article is meant to be a basic overview of the nuts and bolts of getting your program's website up and running, and brief look at some of the valuable ways your site can help your program succeed." 2-02
- Ementoring Program (MentorGirls)
"By providing relevant and valuable resource listings, our main objective is to inspire adult women to utilize Information and Communications Technology (ICT) by becoming involved in community activism and by helping bridge the digital divide. MentorGirls.org is a great place to find out how and where to help educate and empower our girls and communities who need positive role models in our evolving cyberculture." 2-02
- Mentoring Publications (Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory - National Mentoring Center)
Provides five articles or guides to assist mentoring programs. 2-02
- National Mentoring Center (Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory)
Designed to strengthen mentoring programs for youth. 2-02
Purchase Resources
- Background Check for Childcare Providers (USSearch.com)
Provides background check for potential childcare providers. Awesome Library does not endorse this service but provides it as an example.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
- Mentoring Children (America's Promise)
Provides the names of organizations that are creating mentoring opportunities as part of America's Promise. 1-01
- Mentoring Native American Classrooms by Email (Electronic Mentoring Project)
Provides teachers with an opportunity to mentor Native American classrooms through email contact. 10-99
- Mentoring Program (National Mentoring Partnership)
Provides opportunities for mentoring and finding mentors. 12-00
- Background Check for Childcare Providers (InstantCheckmate.com)
Provides background check for potential childcare providers. Prices start at $23 per month. Awesome Library does not endorse this service but provides it as an example.