Also TryListsPapers
- Carter Center Efforts by Country
Describes health, economic, political, and mediation efforts of the Carter Center in each country where civil war, ethnic conflicts, or economic deprivations are rampant.
- General - United Way of America
- Learn and Serve Opportunities (Corporation for National Service)
Provides opportunities to learn and serve. 07-06
- Service-Learning Resources (National Service-Learning Clearinghouse)
Provides a couple of dozen sites. 11-01
- Volunteering - International Opportunities (Cross-Cultural Solutions)
Provides sources of information on volunteering for services in other countries. 7-99
- Volunteering - International Opportunities (East Carolina University)
The Directory on International Voluntary Services provides hundreds on sources of information. 07-06
- Vounteering Opportunities (Corporation for National Service)
Provides sources of information on volunteering.
- -Youth Volunteer Matching Service (Impact Online)
Matches volunteers with nonprofit organizations by location and issue. 9-05
- Assessments of Nonprofit Organizations (Give.org)
Provides comprehensive information on organizations so you can determine if they are suitable for donations. 11-01
- Assessments of Nonprofit Organizations (Give.org)
Provides comprehensive information on organizations so you can determine if they are suitable for donations. 11-01
- Assessments of Nonprofit Organizations - Criteria (CharityWatch.org)
Suggests criteria for assessing an organization for worthiness of donations. 11-01
- Assessments of Nonprofit Organizations - Top Rated (CharityWatch.org)
Provides a grade for the top rated organizations in of the major areas of giving. The categories include Abortion and Family Planning, Hispanic, African-American, Homelessness and Housing, Aids, Human Rights, American Indian, Human Services, Animal Protection, Hunger, Asia and Asian-American, International Relief and Development, Blind and Visually-Impaired, Jewish and Israel, Cancer, Literacy, Child Protection, Mental Health and Retardation, Child Sponsorship, Peace and International Relations, Civil Rights and Advocacy, Population Planning, Consumer Protection and Legal Aid, Public Policy, Crime Prevention, Terminally Ill, Disabled, Veterans and Military, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Women's Rightts, Environment, Youth Development, Gun Control (Pro and Con), Youth-Residential Care, and Health-General. 11-01
- Awards - Advance America Awards (ASAE)
Provides a short description of the businesses and organizations that contributed to advancing America through "education, standard-setting, business and social innovation, knowledge creation, learning, and community service."
- Chicago Area Volunteering (NPONet)
Provides information for those wishing to volunteer services in the Chicago area. 07-06
- Factsheets on Preventable and Treatable Conditions Globally (World Health Organization)
Provides factsheets on some of the most disabling medical conditions globally that are also preventable or treatable with minimal costs. 3-01
- Idealist (Action Without Borders)
Provides news about efforts of nonprofit organizations globally.
- Nonprofit Organizations Seeking Volunteers Search (Impact Online)
Helps volunteers find nonprofit organizations by geographical area and issue through VolunteerMatch.
- Volunteering Opportunities by Subject (Impact Online)
Helps volunteers find volunteering opportunities by issue through VolunteerMatch.
- Volunteers in International Development (Visions in Action)
Provides opportunities to international development assistance in five African countries and Mexico.
- AmeriCorps (CNS)
Includes two programs - 1) The National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) is "a full-time service program for men and women age 18 through 24. AmeriCorps NCCC members work in teams." 2) Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) is "a full-time service program for men and women age 18 and older. Members generally work individually, rather than in teams."
- America's Promise - Summit Action Youth for Educators (President's Summit)
Provides suggestions on way educators can help students become involved with the America's Promise campaign and the Summit in particular.
- Bridging the Digital Divide (Technology Access Foundation)
Provides projects and opportunities to assist ethnic minorities to gain greater access to the Internet and technology.
- Casey Foundation
Provides information on a philanthropic organization dedicated to helping disadvantaged youth.
- Civitan Projects (Junior Civitan International)
The mission of Civitan International is "to build good citizenship by providing a volunteer organization of clubs dedicated to serving individual and community needs with an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities"
- Corporation for National Service (CNS)
Created by Congress in 1993, includes AmeriCorps, Learn and Serve America, and Senior Corps.
- Homeless Teens (StandUp for Kids)
Provides opportunities for volunteering to help homeless teens. Listings are by state. 10-99
- Interact for Kids (Benton Foundation)
Provides opportunities to share information about helping kids. 07-06
- KidsCampaigns (Benton Foundation)
Provides projects to support the well being of children. 07-06
- Law-Related Education (Teens, Crime and the Community)
Provides training and projects for teens to actively lead in reducing crime. Created by the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) and Street Law, Inc. (formerly the National Institute for Citizen Education in the Law), TCC is a joint initiative currently funded on the national level by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice. 07-06
- Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)
Provides opportunities to help find missing and lost children.
- Road Rage Prevention (Adams)
Provides suggestions on how to handle road rage and prevent injury from others.
Provides locations for volunteers to be involved in projects. 07-06
- Volunteering Opportunities (America's Promise)
Provides a starting point for exploring America's Promise, a program to provide mentoring and other services to children. 1-01
- Volunteering Opportunities for Kids (PBS - Zoom into Action)
Provides opportunities for kids to volunteer to help animals, the hungry, the homeless, those who are ill, seniors, persons with disabilities, the environment, and more. May load slowly. 2-02
- Volunteering and Mentoring (Amazing-Kids.org)
Provides opportunities to mentor or volunteer time (including "cyber" time) to help children. 8-00