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Terms: Death Penalty
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  1. -03-23-06 Afghan Man Facing Death Penalty for Becoming Christian (
      "U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist urged Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to 'use every diplomatic means necessary' to win the immediate release of an Afghan man facing the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity."

      "The dispute over the prosecution of Rahman has exposed religious tensions in a country the Bush administration has promoted as a tolerant, emerging democracy. The U.S. is spending almost $1 billion a month on military operations and rebuilding in Afghanistan."

      "Top Muslim clerics said today that Rahman, 41, should be executed, the Associated Press reported from Kabul. 'Rejecting Islam is insulting God. We will not allow God to be humiliated. This man must die,' AP cited cleric Abdul Raoulf as saying. Raoulf was jailed three times by the Taliban, according to the news agency." 03-06

  2. Pro-Death Penalty Links (Office of the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney)
      Provides carefully selected links on the pro-death penalty position. 6-00

  3. Anti-Death Penalty Links (Office of the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney)
      Provides carefully selected links on the anti-death penalty position. 6-00

  4. Pro and Con Essays on the Death Penalty (Office of the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney)
      Provides carefully selected essays for and against the death penalty. 6-00

  5. Race and Class Bias in Use of the Death Penalty (Office of the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney)
      Provides carefully selected resources. 6-00

  6. Deterrence and the Death Penalty (Office of the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney)
      Provides carefully selected resources. 6-00

  7. Death Penalty (Michigan State University)
      Provides resource materials for examining pro and con arguments related to the death penalty. 1-01

  8. Editorial: Why the Death Penalty Is Dying (
      "There are several reasons we seem to be moving toward de facto abolition of the death penalty. A major one has been the growing number of inmates on death row who have been exonerated — 139 and counting since 1973, according to a list maintained by the Death Penalty Information Center. Even many people who support capital punishment in theory balk when they are confronted with clear evidence that innocent people are being sentenced to death." 01-12

  9. -07-01-05 Justice O'Connor Retires (CBS News)
      "Justice Sandra Day O'Connor announced her retirement Friday after 24 years on the U.S. Supreme Court. The first woman ever to serve on the nation's highest court, she was considered a key swing vote on issues such as abortion and the death penalty." 7-05

  10. -07-01-05 Court Battle Will Shape America's Future (MSNBC News)
      "With the announcement Friday that Sandra Day O’Connor is retiring, the pent-up expectations will be fulfilled: This capital city and the nation are headed for a defining ideological struggle over the Supreme Court."

      "For better or worse, the battle over the O'Connor vacancy is a battle over the big four social issues of American politics: abortion, the death penalty, religious expression, and legal protections for gays and lesbians." 7-05

  11. O'Connor, Sandra Day - Justice in the Balance (CBS News)
      "CBS News Legal Analyst Andrew Cohen said O'Connor's departure is 'far more significant' than the conservative Rehnquist's would have been."

      " 'She was the pivotal "swing" vote on many of the most contentious issues of the day, from affirmative action to abortion rights, from campaign-finance reform to federal disability access law, from gay rights to the death penalty,' said Cohen." 7-05

  12. New Documents on Roberts Released (CBS News)
      "Supreme Court nominee John Roberts as a young government lawyer pushed for a limited Supreme Court role on hot-button issues in the 1980s such as death penalty appeals, newly released documents show." 8-05

  13. -09-14-05 Roberts Gives Hints of Positions (
      "U.S. Supreme Court nominee John Roberts, treading a line between candor and caution, gave a Senate panel hints about his views on government seizure of private property, civil rights and the death penalty."

      "Roberts, undergoing a second day of questions on his nomination to be chief justice, said lawmakers could limit 'eminent domain' property seizures, blunting the impact of a June Supreme Court ruling. He said he would consider the 'real- world' impact of affirmative action and suggested agreement with a high court decision limiting death row appeals."

      "His answers drew praise from Republicans, including the moderate Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. Democrats offered muted criticism, hailing his skills as a witness even while voicing frustration at his refusal to give detailed responses on abortion, assisted suicide and other social issues." 9-05

  14. Theocratic Dominionism (
      "Reconstructionism is a theology that arose out of conservative Presbyterianism (Reformed and Orthodox), which proposes that contemporary application of the laws of Old Testament Israel, or 'Biblical Law,' is the basis for reconstructing society toward the Kingdom of God on earth."

      "Reconstructionist theologian David Chilton succinctly describes this view: 'The Christian goal for the world is the universal development of Biblical theocratic republics, in which every area of life is redeemed and placed under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the rule of God's law.' "

      "Reconstructionists also believe that 'the Christians' are the 'new chosen people of God,' commanded to do what 'Adam in Eden and Israel in Canaan failed to do. . .create the society that God requires.' Further, Jews, once the 'chosen people,' failed to live up to God's covenant and therefore are no longer God's chosen. Christians, of the correct sort, now are."

      "Epitomizing the Reconstructionist idea of Biblical 'warfare' is the centrality of capital punishment under Biblical Law. Doctrinal leaders (notably Rushdoony, North, and Bahnsen) call for the death penalty for a wide range of crimes in addition to such contemporary capital crimes as rape, kidnapping, and murder. Death is also the punishment for apostasy (abandonment of the faith), heresy, blasphemy, witchcraft, astrology, adultery, 'sodomy or homosexuality,' incest, striking a parent, incorrigible juvenile delinquency, and, in the case of women, 'unchastity before marriage.' " 12-05

  15. -04-09-06 Afghan Christian's Trial for Conversion (ABC News)
      "Whether diplomats and politicians find a solution that will spare the life of Abdel Rahman, an Afghan man who could possibly face the death penalty for his Christian faith, the perception of Islam in the West may have already taken a hard hit."

      "Conservative Muslims in Afghanistan see Rahman's conversion as an act of treason against Islam and its communal identity. For Americans and others in countries that have spent money and precious lives to rid Afghanistan of the Taliban, Rahman's trial is itself a betrayal not of religious values but of the values of human rights." 04-06

  16. Editorial: War Crimes in Iraq ( - Chomsky)
      "After several weeks of bombing, the United States began its ground attack in Falluja. It opened with the conquest of the Falluja General Hospital. The front-page story in the New York Times reported that 'patients and hospital employees were rushed out of rooms by armed soldiers and ordered to sit or lie on the floor while troops tied their hands behind their backs.' An accompanying photograph depicted the scene. It was presented as a meritorious achievement."

      "Some relevant documents passed unmentioned, perhaps because they too are considered quaint and obsolete: for example, the provision of the Geneva Conventions stating that 'fixed establishments and mobile medical units of the Medical Service may in no circumstances be attacked, but shall at all times be respected and protected by the Parties to the conflict.' Thus the front page of the world's leading newspaper was cheerfully depicting war crimes for which the political leadership could be sentenced to severe penalties under U.S. law, the death penalty if patients ripped from their beds and manacled on the floor happened to die as a result. The questions did not merit detectable inquiry or reflection." 04-06

  17. -07-08-09 Chinese Government Still in Conflict With Citizens (
      "Three days after ethnic clashes left 156 dead in the city of Urumqi, the Chinese government is still struggling to bring calm and order to the Xinjiang capital. On July 8, Communist Party leader Li Zhi announced that the government would seek the death penalty for anyone found responsible for the killings as President Hu Jintao flew home from Italy, cutting short his visit to the G-8 summit. While the city hasn't seen a return to fighting on the scale it witnessed on July 5, scattered outbursts are stoking fears that violence could erupt again, and tensions on all sides of the conflict are still high." 07-09

  18. -08-24-09 Did CIA Interrogators Violate Federal Law on Torture? CBS News)
      "A 1994 federal law prohibits U.S. nationals from performing torture upon penalty of up to 20 years in prison. 'Torture' is defined as the threat of imminent death, the threat of someone else being killed, and acts 'specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering.' " 08-09

  19. Local Effort to Remove Atheist from City Council (CBS News)
      "Asheville City Councilman Cecil Bothwell believes in ending the death penalty, conserving water and reforming government - but he doesn't believe in God. His political opponents say that's a sin that makes him unworthy of serving in office, and they've got the North Carolina Constitution on their side."

      "Bothwell's detractors are threatening to take the city to court for swearing him in, even though the state's antiquated requirement that officeholders believe in God is unenforceable because it violates the U.S. Consititution." 12-09

  20. -06-08-11 Editorials: Will Mubarak's Trial Unite or Divide Egypt? (New York Times)
      "Bashar al-Assad of Syria and Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya are using any means necessary to avoid the fate of Hosni Mubarak. The former Egyptian president faces trial this summer on charges that could bring the death penalty. He is accused of conspiring to kill unarmed protesters last winter and of involvement, with his sons Alaa and Gamal, in corrupt oil and gas deals." 06-11

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