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Assess Your Home Environment
Energy Conservation and Pollution Reduction
Assess your home's efficiency in use of energy. Give yourself 10 points for every solution your home has.
___ 1. On windows you have insulated glass, storm windows, or plastic covers.
___ 2. You have at least R30 insulation in your ceiling.
___ 3. You have an insulation cover around your hot water heater, including the top, or use a tankless model.
___ 4. You have turned your hot water heater down to 120 degrees.
___ 5. You use an automatic thermostat to reduce heating or cooling when no one is home.
___ 6. You use flow restrictors on shower heads and faucets.
___ 7. You have insulating material around exterior doors.
___ 8. You have pipe insulation on all exposed hot water pipes.
___ 9. You use LED or compact fluorescent lights.
___ 10. In bedrooms you use sensors to turn the lights off automatically when you leave.
___ 11. (20 points) You use a solar heater and storage tank to supplement your hot water heating.
___ 12. (20 points) You use solar electric tiles in your roof.
___ 13. (50 points) Your family has a very low pollution car, such as a gas-electric hybrid.
___ 14. (100 points) You have a wind turbine and supply electricity back to the grid.
___ 15. (50 points) You, or members of your family, actively work to improve the environment through community work, letters to legislators, education activities, planting trees, or similar activities.
Water Conservation and Safety
Give yourself the indicated points for every solution your home has.
___ 1. (25 points) Your downspouts flow into the yard or rain barrels and not into the sewer.
___ 2. (10 points) You use water restrictors on faucets and the shower.
___ 3. (10 points) You check and fix leaking faucets and toilets.
___ 4. (10 points) You have reduced the water used each time the toilet is flushed or you have gotten an efficient low-flow toilet.
___ 5. (15 points) You use a water filter for drinking water.
___ 6. (20 points) You recycle "grey water," used water from sinks, showers, and the clothes washer.
___ 7. (50 points) You, or members of your family, actively work to improve water use or safety through community work, letters to legislators, education activities, planting trees, evaluation of progress for your community, city, or state, or similar activities.
Your Score (including energy conservation, pollution reduction, and water conservation and safety):
Over 100 = Thank You! You are leading the way toward a sustainable planet.
90 - 100 = Excellent, there is hope for the planet.
80 - 90 = Very Good, you are doing your part.
70 - 80 = Good, you are trying.
60 - 70 = O.K., you know there is a problem.
Below 60 = Not Enough, please see what more you can do.
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