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Recognitions and Awards
A Short History
In 1995 a database was developed by Dr. R. Jerry Adams to provide a common source of information for K-12 teachers, students, parents, and librarians. The U.S.
Department of Education's Funds for Innovation in Education Program then sponsored maintenance of a Web site named the Schoolhouse Project that utilized the database.
After a year the sponsorship was continued through the U.S. Department of Education's OERI Program under the name of Library-in-the-Sky. In March of 1997 a permanent
home was found for the Web site under the name of Awesome Library. See About the Awesome Library for more information about its development.
As of 2014, a number of popular search engines, such as Google, rated the Awesome Library among the top Web site on many of the key search terms that related to the Awesome Library's mission. Examples of terms that resulted in the Awesome Library having a high listing on one or more search engines include "k-12 education directory," "k-12 education library," "multicultural training," "middle east conflict why," and "sustainable planet development." Below are some examples of linking sites and awards.
- 10 Top Education Directories on Google
Awesome Library was ranked #1 (out of 24 million) on Google for the search terms "education directory" in August of 2007.
- 10 Top Library
Sites on Google.
Awesome Library was ranked #7 (out of 100 million) on Google for the search term "library" in January of 2007.
- 100 Top Library
Awesome Library was ranked number 9 for all librarynWebsites in June of 2007 on "100 Top Library Sites."
- About K-6 Educators
Awesome Library was recommended on December 16, 2003 for K-6 Educators.
Alexa: Most Popular Education Directories
Awesome Library was ranked #5 in June, 2007.
- American Library Association Great Web Sites for
Awesome Library is one of the many resources recommended for
parents, caregivers, teachers and others.
- Anti-Bias Curriculum (
Awesome Library was one of eight resources recommended under "External Links."
- Applesforhealth Golden
Apple Award
Awesome Library received the Golden Apple award in April,
2002. "Your web site has been selected for a Golden Choice Award
from, an online health magazine with linked
resources to the Top 10% of sites in the health care industry and
related fields."
- Argus
Clearinghouse Seal of Approval
Awesome Library was recognized with a rating of four
checkmarks under Educational Resources, K-12 in 2007. The prestigious Clearinghouse closed in 2002 and then re-opened.

- Ask Jeeves
Silver Platter Award
Awesome Library was recognized with the Silver Platter
Award in 1998. As of January of 2007, Awesome Library was "number
one" in popularity for "k-12 education."
Special Education Lesson Plans
Awesome Library is one of the two recommended Web sites for Special
Education lesson plans. (01-07)
- Association for the Advancement of International Education
Awesome Library is one of the recommended lesson plan sites. (01-07)
- Audio Digest Foundation
Awesome Library is one of five recommended Resource Links Related to Cultural and Linguistic Competence. (11-14)
Awesome Library is listed among the resources recommended. (11-14)
Best Bets in Education
The Awesome Library is one of three Best Bets in
Education for USA TODAY for the week of July 11,
Best of
the Web - Lesson Plan Highlights - Virtual Middle
The Awesome Library was one of three Mega Sites in Best
of the Web in 1998. "The title says it all! This awesome resource
is simple in design but bursting with lesson plan links. Grab a cup
of’re going to be there a
Best Search Engines for Students and Teachers
The Awesome Library was rated first of less than a dozen. (11-14)
B. J.
Pinchbeck's Homework Helper
Awesome Library was two of 10 recommended resources under
All Subjects. "Lesson plans on all've GOT to see
this one."
Beacoup for
Awesome Library is one of 10 resources recommended for
Scotland Online - Pick of the Week
Awesome Library was Pick of the Week starting March 22,

BioScience Links - Libraries
Awesome Library was one of 6 resources recommended under
Libraries in 1998.
Public Schools - Educational Resources
Awesome Library was one of 12 resources recommended under
Educational Resources in 1998.
Station - Teacher's Lounge
"The Awesome Library - Just what it says, for teachers,
students and parents." Brain Station comments were made in
British Columbia
Teacher-Librarians' Association - Teacher-Librarian Links
Awesome Library was one of over two dozen resources
recommended. (11-07)
Child Welfare League of America
Awesome Library is one of two recommended Education Resources.
Commonwealth of Australia - Directories of Lesson
Awesome Library is one of five directories recommended in
their tutorial on using the Web.
Christian Teens
Homework Help (
Awesome Library is one of 14 recommended resources, along
with the Library of Congress, Webster's Dictionary, Online
Thesaurus, and Bartlett's Familiar Quotations.
Libraries and Portals ( of Johns Hopkins University)
Awesome Library is one of the recommended resources in January of 2007.
Colorado Department of Education - Educational
Resources and Internet Resources
Awesome Library was one of 24 listed sites for
Educational Resources and one of 10 listed site for Internet
Resources in 1998.
Learning Network - Meta-Sites for General
Awesome Library is one of about 3 dozen sites
recommended. (11-14)
Citeline Valuable
Resource Award
Citeline awarded the Awesome Library an award for
excellence in providing resources in

CSR-Net - Social
Studies Lesson Plans
The Awesome Library "was set up by a professional
educator and recommended resources are 'kid safe,' as well as
parent-relevant." This site was not functioning on October 7,
Awesome Library is one of four recommended "Kid Safe Search Engines." 03-07
Cyber-Teddy's Awesome
Universal WebSite 500
Awesome Library was recognized as one of the top 500 sites
that are safe for children. 11-00

Awesome Library is recognized as safe for children by
CyberSitter. 11-00

County Public Schools - References on the Net
Awesome Library is one of 10 reference sources recommended.
Davidson Institute
"This is an amazing website. Excellent search engine with a very useful 'star' rating system. If you are looking for an online database that you can feel confident in its safety, appropriateness, and is the one. Highly recommended." 03-07
Developmental Disabilities Resource Center
Awesome Library was one of many recommended resources.
District 214 Web Site of the Week
"A great place to start when searching for information. I especially like the mix of resources offered by this site - lesson plans, links, current articles, and news all on a single page. Why I have not featured this site earlier is unexplainable, it should be on every educators top 5 list." December 17, 2000.
Dr. Hotlist - Site of the Week
Awesome Library was selected "Site of the Week" for the week of December 23, 2001.
Dr. Matrix Award for Excellence in Science
Awesome Library was one of three dozen sites awarded for excellence under Student Resources on August 7, 1997.

Education Coffeehouse Educational Excellence Award
Awesome Library was given this award as one of the top 100 sites in education for 2001.
Search Engines (Reference Desk)
Awesome Library is one of 10
Education Search Engines provided.
Equal Access to Software and Technology - Pick of the Week
Awesome Library was a Pick of the Week for December 16, 1997. - Reference Libraries
Awesome Library pages were half of the top dozen recommendations in May, 2002.
Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education - Lesson Plans
Awesome Library is one of 9 recommended sites for lesson plans.
Education Index Top Site - by Lifestage
Recognizes Awesome Library as a top resource for Middle Education and Secondary Education.

World - Teacher Resources
Awesome Library was presented under teaching, K-12, and education resources.
Education World - Review
Awesome Library was given an overall grade of "A," with a critique of organization, content, aesthetics, and review. 11-01
Educational Testing Service - Internet Resources for Teachers and Students
The Awesome Library was recognized in the Arts, English, Health, P.E., Math, Science, Social Studies, German, Spanish, and History. Used the older name of "Schoolhouse"
for the Awesome Library. 11-07
EASI's Pick of the Week (December 16, 1997)
Equal Access to Software and Information awarded the Awesome Library as Pick of the Week for December 16, 1997.
Education (
Awesome Library was one of the one and
a half dozen resources recommended for the field of education.
Others include Britannica, PBS Online, and the U.S. Department of
Education. (8-01)
Related Web Sites (University of Southern Mississippi)
Awesome Library is one of over a
dozen sites recommended. (9-01)
Education World - Best Search Engines for Teachers and Students
"The awesome resources of the Web
deserve an Awesome Library -- and this is it!"
World - Online Libraries
Awesome Library was one of eight recommended resources. "Awesome Library is a fantastic source for reviews of educational Web sites, from content areas and reference
sources to links for everyone connected with schools -- staff, students, parents, community members." 11-07
Family Education Network - Links for Parents (Randall,
Awesome Library was one of two recommended links. "The Awesome Library lives up to its name. A must have resource link for parents, teachers, and kids. It
now lives at the top of my bookmark file. Great site!!!" 11-07
Family Friendly Hot List (ZDNet's Search IQ)
Awesome Library was one of seven sites highlighted for "Family Friendly."
FamilyNet - Homework
"Awesome Library - We have yet to find a place with more school links. It's got it all. It's a huge Yahoo-like construction."
Family PC - Teacher's Pets
Awesome Library is one of 3 sites recommended for teachers on page 105 of the June-July issue
Forbes Best of the Web
Awesome Library was listed as one of Forbes "Best of the Web" sites. Forbes stated that the Awesome Library is "a portal obsessed with usability. Separate 'doors' for kids, teens, parents, teachers, librarians and college students. Choose a subject and category, then scroll through the subtopics to find what's right for you. A click on Social Studies led to 12 sections, including Current Events and Economics. You'll get more options as you drill down: Current Events has 19 subtopics, including Environment, Homeland Security and Technology. The site provides links to articles, news, projects and suggestions, such as what individuals can do about global warming. The Awesome Library screens and annotates all of the sites it links to and has a site and path map, so you always know where you are." (11-07)
Fresno County Public Library
Awesome Library is listed as one of five recommended sites for General Homework Help.
Furguson Municipal Public Library
Awesome Library is listed as one of six recommended sites for General Homework Help. (11-14)
Curriculum Resources (K-12)(Harvard Graduate School of Education)
Awesome Library was one of 15 recommended resources. (9-01)
Geneseo - Attention Deficit Disorder
Awesome Library was one of 4 recommended resources. "For an absoultely terrific and informative site concerning discussions, papers, support groups, parenting tips, teaching tips, and tons more, click here! An all-inclusive site with a plethora of information!" (11-07).
Google's Kids and Teens Directories
Awesome Library is rated in pagerank order as number 8. (01-07)
Recognitions Continued H -
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