- Republican Presidential Contenders Debate (CNN News)
"Seven declared or likely Republican presidential contenders will face off Monday in one of the first debates of the primary season, giving them the chance to separate themselves from the competition almost 17 months before the 2012 election." 06-11
- Editorial: "Grades" for Republican Candidates for President (Time.com)
Mark Halperin provides his grades for the performance of the Republican candidates for President of the United States on June 13, 2011 in New Hampshire. "Candidate grades are based on both performance and success in using the debate to improve their standing in the nomination contest." 06-11
- Republican Candidate: Tim Pawlenty (Wikipedia.org)
"Timothy James 'Tim' Pawlenty...(born November 27, 1960) is an American politician who served as the 39th Governor of Minnesota (2003–2011). He is a Republican candidate for President of the United States in the 2012 election. He previously served in the Minnesota House of Representatives (1993–2003) where he served two terms as majority leader." 06-11
- Republican Presidential Contenders Debate (CNN News)
"Seven declared or likely Republican presidential contenders will face off Monday in one of the first debates of the primary season, giving them the chance to separate themselves from the competition almost 17 months before the 2012 election." 06-11
- Republican Presidential Contenders for 2012 (ABC News)
"Here's a look at 24 Republicans whom ABC News has identified as likely and not-so-likely contenders in 2012...." 05-11