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Presidential Election 2012

Democratic Party
Republican Party

  1. Presidential Ads (USA Today)
      "USA TODAY's Political Ad Tracker takes a closer look at ads from candidates, parties and outside groups and allows you to rate whether an ad is believable and how it impacts your views on the candidates and issues in the 2012 campaign." 04-12

  1. -0001 Election Results Map (
      Provides a map of election results. 11-12

  2. -0001 Obama Wins Re-Election (
      "Americans re-elected Barack Obama on Tuesday, affirming the goals of the President’s tumultuous first term and giving him a second." 11-12

  3. -001 Electoral Vote Count (CNN News)
      Provides projections by state. 08-12

  4. -001 How Do We Keep Candidates from Lying Over and Over? (MSNBC News)
      "Should the candidates be asked: As you prepare for a debate, is part of your preparation to remind yourself, whatever I say, I should play it straight with the American people? Aren't you embarrassed to repeat statements that any 8th-grader could look up in 20 seconds and discover have been proven untrue? Or do you calculate that it's acceptable to twist the facts to win an election?" 01-12

  5. -001 Truth-O-Meter on Ron Paul (
      Covers Paul's true and false statements. 01-12

  6. -01 Romney Changes Strategy By Picking Paul Ryan for Vice Presidential Candidate (
      "For more than a year, Romney has framed the contest as a referendum on a failing president. Now he has made it a choice between two sharply different governing philosophies, and he touted his new running mate as 'an intellectual leader of the Republican Party' with a distinct vision for the nation’s future. Ryan 'has never been content to simply curse the darkness,' Romney said, speaking to a crowd of some 2,500 in this southern Virginia port city. 'He’d rather light candles.' "

      "Ryan, 42, is a seven-term Congressman who represents a swing district in southern Wisconsin. He is the chair of the House Budget Committee, a perch from which he has played a pivotal role in shaping Republican policy on deficit reduction and entitlement reform. Ryan is best known for his 'road map' for balancing the federal budget, which prescribes deep cuts to social programs. Ryan is a proponent of privatizing Social Security, turning Medicaid into a block-grant system administered by the states, and transforming Medicare into a voucher system to purchase private insurance." 08-12

  7. -01 Truth-O-Meter on Barack Obama (
      Covers Obama's true and false statements. 01-12

  8. -01 Truth-O-Meter on Mitt Romney (
      Covers Romney's true and false statements. 01-12

  9. -08-11-12 Romney Picks Paul Ryan for Vice Presidential Candidate (ABC News)
      "Mitt Romney and his campaign have decided strategically that this election is a base election and it is about motivating Republicans and conservatives and not about persuading swing voters."

      "This Ryan pick isn't going to help close the gap with Latino voters. This isn't going to persuade suburban, middle class moms to support the ticket. This pick is an acknowledgement on the Romney campaign's part that they see their only path to victory as motivating their base." 08-12

  10. -2012 Presidential Election (BBC)
      Provides news stories on the 2012 election. 07-12

  11. Election 2012 Coverage (Awesome Library)
      Provides news stories on the 2012 election.

  12. Election 2012 Coverage (BBC)
      Provides news stories on the 2012 election.

  13. Election 2012 Coverage (CBS News)
      Provides news on the 2012 election." 01-12

  14. Election 2012 Coverage (CNN News)
      Provides news on the 2012 election. 01-12

  15. Election 2012 Coverage (Politico News)
      Provides news on the 2012 election, including polls, news by candidate, editorials, and a calendar.

  16. New "Third" Party to Break into the 2012 Elections (
      "It’s hard to predict the role Americans Elect might play in 2012 until the Republican primary wraps up and the group taps a nominee of its own. Americans Elect will not promote a candidate, but the group is briefing potential contenders about the process. Among the names that have surfaced are Michael Bloomberg, Jon Huntsman and Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks."

      "Even the members of Americans Elect aren’t sure how the process will play out. “We are going to present the American people with a third candidate,” says Sragow. “If they decide that Americans Elect is somehow a process they don’t trust, they don’t have to vote for our candidate.” But trust is a commodity in short supply. And though Americans are weary with Washington and craving comity, a band of insiders backed by Wall Street money may not be the type of change voters have in mind." 01-12

  1. -Billionaires Contribute Heavily to Super Pacs (CBS News)
      "Sixteen billionaires on the 'Forbes 400,' the business magazine's list of the richest Americans have given to 'super PACs,' according to a CBS NEWS review of the 2011 fundraising reports disclosed to the Federal Election Commission." 02-12

  2. -Editorial: How to Judge Leadership Qualities of Presidential Candidates (Fortune--CNN News)
      "Here are five crucial leadership skills for the most powerful CEO of all -- the U.S. President. As you watch the conventions and debates this fall and follow press coverage of the election, give some serious thought to how the candidates score in each of these areas:"

      Building a Team
      Learning from Mistakes
      Working the System 08-12

  3. -Editorial: Supreme Court Backs More Corporate Political Spending (
      "The Supreme Court on Thursday opened wide new avenues for big-moneyed interests to pour money into politics in a decision that could have a major influence on the 2010 midterm elections and President Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign."

      "The long-awaited 5-4 decision overruled all or parts of two prior rulings by the court that allowed governments to restrict corporations and unions from spending their general funds on ads expressly urging a candidate’s election or defeat." 01-10

  4. -Financial Campaigns for 2012 (New York Times)
      "The presidential candidates have raised more than $330 million for their campaigns to date, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. Mitt Romney leads among Republicans, but President Obama easily topped the field." 03-12

  5. -Republican Counties Have the Most Food Stamps Growth (
      "Seventy percent of counties with the fastest-growth in food-stamp aid during the last four years voted for the Republican presidential candidate in 2008, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. They include Republican strongholds like King County, Texas, which in 2008 backed Republican John McCain by 92.6 percent, his largest share in the nation; and fast-growing Douglas County, Colorado." 12-12

  6. -The Medicare Difference Between Republicans and Democrats (
      "Both Ryan’s most recent plan and Obama’s most recent budget strive to contain the growth of Medicare expenses to the same rate—GDP +0.5%. The difference is in how those costs are contained. This is incredibly important—Klein frames the debate as being over an effort to save money by improving quality (via the Affordable Care Act on the Democratic side) versus trusting the free market to reduce prices (on the Republican side). Neither of these approaches have been proven to lower costs, as noted by Klein." 08-12

  7. A Fact Check on the President's State of the Union Speech (
      "The president’s State of the Union address got the facts right — mostly." 01-12

  8. Editorial: A Conservative's View on Why Romney Is Losing (CNN News)
      "Romney's failure to surpass Barack Obama this summer stems in no small part from his reluctance to make any bold moves on policy, and this reluctance is a direct product of the beating he's taken from conservative critics for much of the last year." 08-12

  9. Expenditures and Donations by Candidate (
      Provides information on contributions and expenditures by candidate. 01-12

  10. Polls on Candidate Popularity (
      Provides a timeline with polling results at different dates. 01-12

  11. Star of Romney's "My Hands Didn't Build This" Ad Makes Obama's Point (ABC News)
      "Speaking in Roanoke, Virginia on July 13 about the necessity of government for services such as infrastructure, the president said 'If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help…Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that.' "

      A Romney ad deleted all but "If you've got a business -- you didn't build that," changing the meaning from "the business didn't create the roads and other infrastructure" to "the business person didn't build his own business."

      "In a new TV ad, Romney features an offended New Hampshire businessman, saying, 'My father’s hands didn’t build this company? My hands didn’t build this company? My son’s hands aren’t building this company?' ”

      "The New Hampshire Union Leader’s John DiStato today reports that in 1999 the business in question, Gilchrist Metal, 'received $800,000 in tax-exempt revenue bonds issued by the New Hampshire Business Finance Authority "to set up a second manufacturing plant and purchase equipment to produce high definition television broadcasting equipment"…' ” 07-12

  12. Stein, Jill: Green Party Candidate for President (
      "Jill Stein (born May 14, 1950) is an American physician and nominee for President of the United States in 2012 with the Green Party of the United States." 08-12

  13. Top Debate Flubs (
      "To mark the first debate between the GOP front-runners in the campaign for 2012, TIME takes a look at debaters who haven't fared so well."

      Editor's Note: The Kennedy-Nixon tape was subsequently altered with text suggesting, for humor, what the debaters were thinking. 06-11

  14. What We Can Learn from Politically Divided Couples (CNN News)
      "For many, political loyalties can make or break a relationship. But couples who have learned to successfully weather political partisanship could teach us all a thing or two about relationships in general, said etiquette expert Anna Post." 10-12


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