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Republican Party

  1. Presidential Candidate Game (USA Today)
      "Play USA TODAY's Candidate Match Game II to find out which candidate -- Barack Obama or Mitt Romney -- you agree with most on the key issues of the day. And as you take the quiz, learn more about their positions on the issues." 08-12

  1. -Romney's Republican Acceptance Speech (CNN News)
      "Promising his traditional conservative policies will restore America's greatness, Mitt Romney accepted the Republican presidential nomination and then prepared to campaign with his running mate on Friday in two swing states vital to their chances of defeating President Barack Obama in November." 08-12

  1. -Editorial: Romney Is a CEO, Not Shackled By Ideology (CNN News)
      "Romney's changing views are neither sudden nor unexpected. Rather, they are astutely calculated by Romney the businessman to appeal to the customers he's targeting at that very moment. This is a man clearly driven by the adage: 'The customer is always right.' " 07-12

  2. -Four Themes of the Republican National Convention (CBS News)
      "As Republican leaders flock to Tampa this week to take part in the party's national convention, speakers are tasked with a multi-faceted challenge: Not only do they want to put their best faces forward, they also have to pump up the Republican nominee. No doubt a result of their attempts to do both, some topical threads have emerged so far." 08-12

  3. -Paul Ryan Thrills Republican Convention (ABC News)
      "Entering the Republican National Convention to ebullient cheers, Rep. Paul Ryan stepped confidently into the national spotlight as his party's vice presidential nominee and promised that he and Mitt Romney would tackle the country's most difficult problems to fix the economy and create millions of new jobs."

      "Ryan, known as an earnest policy wonk, gave a rousing address that targeted President Obama and repeatedly brought the Republican crowd to their feet. They were clearly delighted with Ryan's performance and the anticipation that he will be the one to go for Obama's jugular, a role that Romney has shied away from." 08-12

  4. -Romney's Republican Acceptance Speech (CNN News)
      "Promising his traditional conservative policies will restore America's greatness, Mitt Romney accepted the Republican presidential nomination and then prepared to campaign with his running mate on Friday in two swing states vital to their chances of defeating President Barack Obama in November." 08-12

  5. Paul Ryan, Republican Vice Presidential Candidate (CBS News)
      "Paul Ryan has represented the state of Wisconsin in the U.S. House of Representatives for 14 years." 08-12

  6. Paul Ryan, Republican Vice Presidential Candidate (
      "Born and raised in Janesville, Wisconsin, Ryan earned a B.A. degree from Miami University in Ohio. Following his studies, he worked as an aide to United States Senator Bob Kasten of Wisconsin, as legislative director for Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, and as a speechwriter for former U.S. Representative and 1996 Republican vice presidential nominee Jack Kemp of New York. In 1998, Ryan won election to the United States House of Representatives, succeeding Republican Mark Neumann. He is now in his seventh term."

      "As chair of the House Budget Committee, Ryan has focused on fiscal policy and has proposed privatizing Social Security and replacing Medicare with a voucher program for Americans under 55.[4] Ryan introduced a plan, The Path to Prosperity, in April 2011 which included significant changes to Medicare. He then helped introduce the similar The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal in March 2012.[5]" 08-12

  7. Republican - Mitt Romney (
      Provides his official Web site. 03-07

  8. Republican - Mitt Romney (
      "Willard Mitt Romney, usually known as Mitt, (born March 12, 1947) was the 70th Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, elected in 2002. He served one term and did not seek re-election in 2006; his term ended January 4, 2007.[1] Romney is a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008, formally announcing his candidacy on February 13, 2007. Romney made his announcement at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan." 02-07

  9. Republican Candidate: Mitt Romney (
      "Willard Mitt Romney (born March 12, 1947) is an American businessman and politician. He was the 70th Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007 and is a candidate for the 2012 Republican Party presidential nomination." 06-11

  10. Romney Picks Paul Ryan for Vice Presidential Candidate (ABC News)
      "Mitt Romney and his campaign have decided strategically that this election is a base election and it is about motivating Republicans and conservatives and not about persuading swing voters."

      "This Ryan pick isn't going to help close the gap with Latino voters. This isn't going to persuade suburban, middle class moms to support the ticket. This pick is an acknowledgement on the Romney campaign's part that they see their only path to victory as motivating their base." 08-12

  11. Sheldon Adelson, Top Republican Donor (
      "Sheldon Gary Adelson (born August 4, 1933) is an American business magnate. He is the chairman and chief executive officer of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, the parent company of Venetian Macao Limited which operates The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino and the Sands Expo and Convention Center. He also owns the Israeli daily newspaper Israel HaYom. Adelson's initial public offering of Las Vegas Sands occurred in December 2004. He is listed in the Forbes 400 as the eighth wealthiest American.[1] His personal wealth is estimated to be $24.9 billion as of March 2012.[1]" 07-12

  12. Time Talks to Mitt Romney (
      "The rationale for your candidacy is, I’m a businessman. I know how to fix the economy. I’d love for you to talk about the kind of perspective you have as someone who wasn’t a businessman in the way your dad was, the CEO of a manufacturing company, but someone in private equity and a consultant. What are those attributes that you have that will help you as President in a way that’s different than the conventional view of the businessman?" 08-12


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