Also TryLesson PlansPapers
- Immigration Reform Lesson (PBS News)
Provides a lesson to help understand immigration reform from different points of view.
- -Democrats Seek Asylum Process for Children Fleeing to U.S. (Reuters.com)
"The thousands of children fleeing drug violence and poverty in Central America could qualify for asylum in the United States and should have the right to make that case, Democratic lawmakers said...."
- -Immigration Lessons (CNN News)
"Immigration is divisive, a wedge issue in this election year. But most Americans (73%) agree that the government is doing a poor job of managing it."
"So, how should the U.S. handle immigration? Does anyone else do it better? What can the U.S. learn from successes – and possible mistakes – from other countries?"
- -Legal Representation for Children Separated From Parents at the Border (Raices.org)
RAICES provides advocacy for children and families separated at the border between the U.S. and Mexico.
- -Study: Immigrant Anxiety Basis for Trump Support (Washington Post)
"The biggest predictor of Trump support among Republican and Republican-leaning voters was a belief that 'the growing number of newcomers from other countries threatens U.S. values.' " 06-16
- American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA.org)
Provides immigration information.
- Immersion or Bilingual Education? (Triangle Business Journal)
"Of those [72 valid research] studies, 83 percent comparing bilingual education to immersion found that kids learned to read better through immersion. Not a single study found the reverse."
- Immigration Requirements (ForeignImmigration.com)
Provides information on immigration, such as to the United States. 7-05
- Office of Citizenship (CBS News)
"The Office of Citizenship is mandated by the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to promote instruction and training on citizenship rights and responsibilities and to provide immigrants with information and tools necessary to successfully integrate into American civic culture."
- Sample Citizenship Test for Immigrants (MSNBC News)
"In late 2008 a new version of the U.S. citizenship test was introduced by immigration authorities. Could you pass it? The questions are usually selected from a list of 100 samples that prospective citizens can look at ahead of the interview. Some are easy, some are not. We have picked some of the more difficult ones." 05-10