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  1. Editorial: Arizona Law Violating U.S. Treaty (CNN News)
      "That law, SB 1070, requires Arizona law enforcement agents to determine the citizenship status of people they stop if the officer has an undefined 'reasonable suspicion' that the person is not in this country lawfully."

      "The ACLU and a coalition of civil rights groups filed a lawsuit this week challenging the unconstitutional law. There is little doubt among experts that the new Arizona law will lead to increased racial profiling."

      "Civil libertarians have criticized the law as a violation of basic constitutional rights because it transforms Arizona's Latino community and other people of color -- who may be presumed by law enforcement officers to be in the country 'unlawfully' -- into potential criminal suspects." 05-10

  2. Illegal Immigrant Family Outed to Mrs. Obama (ABC News)
      "When a Maryland second-grader told Michelle Obama in May that her mom 'doesn't have papers,' little did she know the entire world could be watching – including authorities with the power to send her parents back to Mexico." 08-10

  3. Immigration and the 14th Amendment of the Constitution (
      "According to the Pew report, 340,000 babies were born in the U.S. in 2008 to at least one undocumented parent. And of all the children of undocumented immigrants in the U.S., about 80% were born here - the rest were born abroad."

      "These are significant numbers and they seem to add an arrow to the quiver of those in Congress and elsewhere now suggesting the 14th Amendment of the Constitution should be changed so that anyone born in the U.S. does not automatically become a citizen."

      "But before rushing into that debate, Pew figures in hand, there are a few glaring questions unanswered by this new data set. For starters, how long were these illegal immigrant mothers in the U.S. before their children were born? The report itself does not answer this crucial question, so I called Jeff Passel, co-author of the report. He told me that based on the years that the report's underlying data was produced, he knows that 'well over 80%' of the 340,000 births cited in the report happened to women who had been in the U.S. more than one year. That blows a giant hole in the notion that mothers are crossing the U.S.-Mexican border just in time to give birth in American hospitals." 08-10

  4. Judge Blocks Controversial Sections of Immigration Law (New York Times)
      "A federal judge, ruling on a clash between the federal government and a state over immigration policy, has blocked the most controversial parts of Arizona’s immigration enforcement law from going into effect." 07-10

  5. Ronstadt and Tancredo Debate New Arizona Immigration Law (CNN News)
      "Singer Linda Ronstadt and former Congressman Tom Tancredo debate the legality of Arizona's immigration law." 04-10


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