Provides links to resources from the Division on HIV and AIDS Prevention of the Center for Disease Control. 1-04
- -03-18-09 Editorial: AIDS Can Be Slowed Down (Time.com)
"Pope Benedict surely loves God and sees him as his protector and provider, but he goes nowhere without armed bodyguards. The pope has to know that murder is against God's will. He has to believe that every person has the choice to be a moral and upstanding person. Yet not everyone abides by those religious views, and his security is there to prevent him from being harmed."
"So how are condoms any different?" 03-09
- AIDS - Vaccine for AIDS Works (USA Today News - Sternberg)
"Nearly two decades after the discovery of the AIDS virus, researchers Monday report for the first time that an AIDS vaccine can prevent infection but with sharply different success rates depending on race."
"The first full-scale human trial of the vaccine, AIDSVAX, indicates that although the vaccine failed to protect whites and Hispanics, it appears to be effective in Asians and blacks. Blacks account for half of all new infections in the USA, federal statistics show."
"Jose Esparza, director of AIDS vaccine research for the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), called the finding 'probably the most important accomplishment in vaccine research in 15 years. This is the first time anyone has shown protection (against HIV) in humans, not monkeys.' "
"Although the vaccine failed to provide protection overall, it was 78.3% effective in blacks and 68% effective in Asians." 2-03
- -Bono Extols U.S. Leadership on AIDS (Time.com)
"Bono spoke glowingly about the United States' leadership in the fight against AIDS, calling this country's efforts the 'greatest heroic act since America jumped into the Second World War.' It is an 'extraordinary thing that the United States has done, which is in the war against this tiny little virus, which has caused so much destruction and heartache, American leadership has been the turning point,' Bono says, mustering all the Irish charm that propelled U2 through decades of rock stardom. 'Five million lives have been saved around the world because of American leadership.' " 12-11
- -HIV Treatment As Prevention (Time.com)
"The treatment of HIV has come a long way, thanks to antiretroviral (ARV) drugs that can lower levels of the virus in the body, keeping people healthy and reducing the risk of HIV transmission. Increasingly, though, studies have also shown that the same drugs used to treat existing infections can also help protect HIV-free people from becoming infected." 12-11
- AIDS - Guide on the Biology of AIDS (BBC News)
"At least 28 million people worldwide have died from Aids – their bodies' defence systems ravaged by the HIV virus to the point where everyday infections become life-threatening."
"Click through this guide to find out about how HIV attacks and how the drugs fight it." 12-03
- AIDS - Map of the Prevalence of AIDS (BBC News)
Shows where in the world the epidemic is strongest. 12-03
- AIDS - Map of the Speed of Spread of AIDS (BBC News)
Shows where in the world the epidemic is growing the fastest. 12-03
- AIDS Projections for 2010 - Best Case Scenario (BBC News)
This study "predicted 45 million new infections in poor and middle income countries by 2010 if no improvements were made. But it said that 29 million of those infections could be averted if a set of prevention and care measures from successful projects around the world was implemented immediately". 12-03
- AIDS Projections for 2010 in Just Four Countries (BBC News)
Shows how many cases of AIDS are predicted by 2010 in Russia, China, Nigeria, and Ethiopia if effective prevention is not in place soon. 12-03
- Editorial: Why There Won't Be a Cure for AIDS (Time.com)
" 'Do I think [UNAIDS] will end the epidemic? No, I don’t; I think we’d be kidding ourselves,' says Gallo. Until an effective vaccine is developed that can protect people completely from becoming infected with HIV, he says, we can only talk about functional cures — getting people who are infected with HIV to the point where the virus remains at undetectably low levels – and unable to become activated again." 04-14
- HIV Behind Bars (PBS News)
"In two very different places - Washington, D.C., and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - correctional facilities are facing remarkably similar challenges containing the HIV/AIDS epidemic and treating its victims." 07-12
- HIV and AIDS Resources (About.com - Cichocki)
Provides news, statistics, a glossary, factsheets, and information about the latest research. 2-01
- HIV and AIDS Statistics (CDC)
Provides statistics on HIV and AIDS. 2-00
- Home-Testing Kit for H.I.V. Released (New York Times)
"The first rapid home-testing kit for H.I.V. has just gone on sale for $40, marketed as a way for people to find out privately if they have the virus that causes AIDS." 10-12
- Map of the Prevalence of AIDS (BBC News)
Shows where in the world the epidemic is strongest. 12-03
- Preventing 100 Percent of HIV in Babies in Africa at Birth (BornFreeAfrica.org)
"In 2012, 260,000 children were infected with HIV passed on by their mothers at birth. Without treatment, half of them will die before their second birthday. But with your help, we can eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV forever. Our global deadline for elimination is December 31, 2015. We hope that by then, children everywhere will be born free. 04-14
- Programs to Fight AIDS - Global Fund (Global Fund)
"The Global Fund was created to finance a dramatic turn-around in the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. These 3 diseases kill more than 6 million people each year, and the numbers are growing. This massive scaling-up of resources will support aggressive interventions against all three." 12-03
- Programs to Fight AIDS - World Bank (World Bank)
"AIDS is turning back the clock on development. In too many countries the gains in life expectancy won are being wiped out. In too many countries more teachers are dying each week than can be trained. We will mainstream AIDS in all World Bank work." 12-03
- Programs to Fight AIDS - World Health Organization (World Health Organization)
Describes efforts of WHO to fight AIDS. 12-03
- Study: In Developing Countries, HIV Seems Related to Education More than Promiscuity (MSNBC News)
"In the first comprehensive global study of sexual behavior, British researchers found that people aren’t losing their virginity at ever younger ages, married people have the most sex, and there is no firm link between promiscuity and sexually transmitted diseases." 07-06
- Study: Sexual Habits of Americans (MSNBC News)
"It’s a question that often prompts a boastful answer or a bashful one: How many sex partners have you had?"
"Now the federal government says it has authoritative statistics, documenting that men are far more likely to play the field than women." 07-06
- UN: Greatest Catastrophe in World's History (Guardian Unlimited)
"The HIV/Aids pandemic is the worst catastrophe in history and is blighting childhood across the developing world, especially sub-Saharan Africa, the United Nations said yesterday."
"Advances in children's survival, health and education are being reversed by a 'triple whammy' of Aids, conflict and poverty, according to the UN children's agency, Unicef."
"The disease is driving the destruction of basic services for 1bn children and violating their right to grow and develop, said Carol Bellamy, the organisation's executive director."
" 'We believe Aids is the worst catastrophe ever to hit the world,' she told the Guardian. 'It is just ripping up systems, be it health or education. Our children's childhood is being robbed from them.' ""
"The report said the world had the capacity to reduce poverty, conflict and HIV/Aids and improve the plight of the world's children. It said Millennium Development Goals, which aim to improve the world through human development by 2015 and were agreed to by the UN's 191 member states in 2000, could be achieved at an annual cost of $40bn (£20.8bn) - $70bn (£36.4bn). World spending on military last year was $956bn (£497.4bn)." 12-04
- UNAIDS Programs (UNAIDS)
Describes programs to fight against AIDS. 12-03
- Vaccine for Prevention of Herpes Falls Short (Time.com)
"Encouraged by the success of vaccines against human papillomavirus, researchers began developing a shot that they hoped would immunize women against another sexually transmitted virus, herpes. But the latest results, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, aren’t encouraging." 01-12