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Single Parenting

  1. Positive Parenting Resources (Child Welfare League of America)
      "Being a parent is rewarding and challenging. There are no easy answers, but this website can help you with tips on raising your child and working within your community to increase support for parents and parenting." 03-06

  1. Characteristics of Successful Single Parenting (
      Describes characteristics of single parents doing well. 03-06

  2. Single Parent Rights and Resources (Children's Rights Council)
      "This site contains resources on access/visitation/parenting time, parenting education, prevention of abuse and neglect of your child, marriage, shared parenting, single parents, job sources, parentage establishment, mediation, and more than a hundred other topics. There are tips and information on subjects that can help never-married parents and separated and divorced parents." 03-06

  3. Single Parent Vacations (MSNBC News)
      "Single parents face several challenges when it comes to vacationing with their kids – not least of which is keeping costs under control. And while the main goal of your trip is likely to spend quality time together as a family, you should be able to have some adult fun in the process sans children. The travel industry has recognized this growing segment of the population and as a result, there are more vacation options for single parents now than ever before." 03-06

  4. Single Parenting Resources (
      Provides more than a dozen articles. 03-06

  5. Single Parents and Academic Achievement (
      "Although growing up in a single-parent family is frequently viewed as a risk factor for a child, single-parent families are now fairly common. Of children born since 1984, more than 60% will spend an average of 5 years of their childhood in a single-parent family.... Moreover, 30% of all children in the United States spend their entire lives with single parents [6]. Many people have questions about the influence of single-parent families on a child's academic achievement and the ways single parents can help their children succeed in school."

      "Studies that consider the influence of both family configuration and income find that there is little difference in the academic performance of children from two-parent and single-parent homes when family income is equal...." 03-06

  6. Six Tips for Single Parents (
      Provides six tips. 03-06

  7. Ten Tips for Single Dads (
      Provides 10 suggestions. 03-06


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