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- -03-17-07 Support for "No Child Left Behind" May Not Hold (USNews.com)
"Today, Bush's signature education law is up for renewal, but Republican loyalty like DeLay's will be harder to come by. Rep. Roy Blunt, the new No. 2 Republican in the House, yesterday joined a group of 57 GOP lawmakers in a revolt. Sens. Mel Martinez and Jon Kyl, the chairs of the Republican National Committee and the Senate Republican Conference, also signed on. Like DeLay, both Blunt and Kyl had supported the law in 2001." 03-07
- -05-27-07 How to Fix "No Child Left Behind" (Time.com)
"The states have complained bitterly that NCLB imposes its many mandates without the federal funds originally promised to implement them. Providing more money for NCLB is a key goal for the Democrats, who control Congress, and is almost certainly part of their price for reauthorizing the law. A look at some of the more challenging issues:" 05-07
- -05-30-07 Alternative for "No Child Left Behind" (Time Magazine)
"Most state education officials grumble that the pressure-packed annual tests and rigid adequate yearly progress (AYP) targets engendered by the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law are flawed means of measuring student proficiency, raising academic standards, holding schools accountable and fostering learning. But since the penalty for defying the law is loss of federal funds, most treat NCLB's prescriptives like bitter medicine they can't afford to spit out. All, that is, except the iconoclasts who run the public schools in Nebraska." 05-07
- -05-30-07 Narrowing the Standards Gap in "No Child Left Behind" (CBS News)
"Georgia is not alone, Wallace reports. Mississippi, Tennessee and Oklahoma are among the states in which students scored high on their state tests but significantly lower on the National Assessment of Educational Progress exam, according to the non-partisan Hoover Institution."
"The problem, say experts, is one word: proficiency." 05-07
- -05-30-07 No National Testing Standards "No Child Left Behind" (CBS News)
"As much as I've heard and read about "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) — the landmark education bill President Bush signed into law five years ago, I had no idea that every state uses a different test and standard to determine whether its schools are making the required progress under the law."
"It is an issue, we learned, that is debated sharply in education circles — with some states accusing others of lowering the bar by using easier tests and lower standards to make their schools look more successful." 05-07
- ESEA Title I Allocations for 2005 (U.S. Department of Education)
Provides the allocations by state. 7-05
- No Child Left Behind - Articles and Guides (Education Commission of the States)
Provides issue papers and guides to NCLB. (Uses PDF format.) 12-03
- No Child Left Behind - Articles on Issues (Education Commission of the States)
Provides articles and summaries of progress. "The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, the revised Elementary and Secondary Education Act, is a potent blend of new requirements, incentives and resources, and it poses significant challenges for states." 12-03
- No Child Left Behind - Details of Requirements (CRS issue Brief for Congress - Riddle and Stedman)
Describes the requirements each state must follow. (Uses PDF format.) 12-03
- No Child Left Behind - Details of Requirements (Education Commission of the States)
Describes the requirements each state must follow. (Uses PDF format.) 12-03
- No Child Left Behind - ELL Requirements (SchoolsMovingUp.net)
"Several NCLB provisions seek to strengthen instruction and accountability for English Language Learners (ELLs). Schools and districts are required to make adequate yearly progress for ELLs as a subgroup. The Act includes a grant program (under Title III) to help school districts provide high-quality language instruction programs for ELLs. That grant program also requires districts to provide professional development to teachers, principals, administrators, and community-based personnel in order to improve the instruction and assessment of ELLs. Title III requires that each state establish English language proficiency standards, define annual measurable achievement objectives (AMAOs) for increasing students level of English proficiency, and hold districts accountable for meeting them." 12-03
- No Child Left Behind - ELL Requirements for California (California Curriculum News Report)
"Federal and state statutes and court cases have established that there is a dual obligation for serving English learners in our schools. In addition to providing appropriate programs for them to meet grade-level standards in the content areas as is required for all students, there is an additional and unique component necessary for English learners, that is, to develop their English language proficiency. Schools must provide programs for English learners that meet both of these important areas. The dual obligation is reflected in NCLB. Local educational agencies (LEAs) are now held accountable specifically for both the academic progress of English learners and their progress in learning English." 7-05
- No Child Left Behind - Progress by State (Education Commission of the States)
Provides grid showing progress of each state by requirement of NCLB. Detailed information is available for each criterion for each state. 12-03
- No Child Left Behind - Rubric for Assessing Compliance (Education Commission of the States)
Provides an assessment tool for rating a state's compliance with NCLB. (Uses PDF format.) 12-03
- No Child Left Behind - Scientifically Based Research (Education Commission of the States)
Defines "scientifically based research" for purposes of the NCLB legislation.
Editor's Note: The definition of "scientifically based research" reflects the views of the authors of the legislation but is not necessarily consistent with the views of the most respected and experienced evaluators and researchers in the field of education regarding best practices in research. 12-03
- No Child Left Behind - Scientifically Based Research (NoChildLeft.com - McKenzie)
"It is now fashionable for federal bureaucrats to cloak their interference in what amounts to pseudoscience."
"The identification of so-called effective programs was accomplished by setting up false selection rules, unreasonable criteria and narrow goals. It was the equivalent of blind judging. The rules effectively eliminated many deserving programs from review (and approval) before anyone even considered them. The rules were tilted toward a narrow definition of reading and a narrow definition of research. The effect was to focus in on programs with great results on limited goals. We suddenly face the specter of strong armed imposition of phonics programs, especially upon urban students in poorly performing schools even though there is little evidence that they become better students in the long run." 12-03
- No Child Left Behind - State Accountability and Consolidated Plans (Education Commission of the States)
Provides plans by state. 12-03
- No Child Left Behind - Summary of Requirements (Education Commission of the States)
Describes the requirements each state must follow. (Uses PDF format.) 12-03
- No Child Left Behind - Teaching Quality (Education Commission of the States)
Provides three articles on teaching quality related to NCLB. (Uses PDF format.) 12-03
- No Child Left Behind Act (Ed.gov)
Provides information from the U.S. Department of Education. 5-05
- No Child Left Behind Act (Thomas)
Provides H.R. 1, new education legislation enacted in January 2002. The Act focuses heavily on improvement of assessment and then, if a school fails to meet standards, alternatives for parents. The official title of the act is "To close the achievement gap with accountability, flexibility, and choice, so that no child is left behind."
- Title I Supplemental Education Services (PlatformLearning.com)
"Under NCLB, Title I schools that are in their second year of school improvement, in corrective action, or in restructuring, must provide students from low-income families supplemental educational services (SES), such as tutoring, remediation and after-school and summer school programs. Each state must maintain a list of SES approved providers. Local education agencies are required to annually notify parents of eligible children about the availability of services and approved providers."