Aligning Systems
Charter Schools
Corporal Punishment
Early Childhood Education
Fund Raising
Learning Community
No Child Left Behind
Professional Development
Summer-School Programs
Voucher Systems
Also TryDiscussions
- Conflict Prevention and Mediation
- Emotional Intelligence
- Gaining Grants
- Involving Community
- Involving Family
- Multidisciplinary
- Problem Solving
- Safe Schools and Combating School Violence
- A Discussion of Learning Organizations (Learning-org.com)
"A 'Learning Organization' is one in which people at all levels, individually and collectively, are continually increasing their capacity to produce results they really care about." 10-09
- Consortium for School Networking (CoSN)
"The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) promotes the use of telecommunications to improve K-12 learning. Members represent state and local education agencies, nonprofits, companies and individuals who share our vision. Our goals are Leadership Development, Advocacy, Coalition Building, and Emerging Technology." 11-01
- -Middle School Principal's Resources (MiddleWeb)
Provides a well organized and annotated list of resources of value for a middle school principal, especially one interested in reform issues. 9-05
- Department of Education Announcements
Provides announcements. 10-09
- Law Related to Schools (SchoolLaw.com)
Provides links and news related to legal issues for schools. On the Home page is the School Law Advisory, a quarterly newsletter that is available by subscription. 11-09
- National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities
"NDPC-SD is committed to providing technical assistance to assist states in building capacity to design/select and implement effective, evidence-based interventions and programs to address dropout among students with disabilities. NDPC-SD employs various strategies to transfer knowledge and to support systems change and capacity building. These include direct consultation in designing state-level initiatives based on state-identified needs, product and document reviews, technical assistance, professional development institutes, and Web-based resources."
- Priorities for Education - Clinton Administration (US Department of Education)
Provides the Secretary's initiatives, including federal programs and the seven priorities of the Clinton administration.
- Teaching Positions Wanted or Available (Academic Employment Network)
- Title I Schools Recognized for Excellence in 1996
"U.S. Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley today identified 56 elementary and secondary schools in low-income areas that are showing marked success in improving student achievement through extra help from Title I -- the largest U.S. Department of Education program to help children master the basics and more challenging subject matter." 10-09
- Reading, Writing, and Twittering (CBS News)
Discusses how to, and whether to, work with Twitter with young children in school. 05-12
- Federal Grant Opportunities (Grants.gov)
Lists grants available for applications.
- Flipped Classrooms (Knewton.com)
"The flipped classroom inverts traditional teacdhing methods, delivering insturction online outside of class and moving 'homework' into the classroom.” 03-12
- Grant Opportunities (Ed.gov)
Lists grants available for applications.
- "Value-Added" Teacher Evaluation (Time.com)
"The last decade has yielded an explosion of data about student performance. In many places, these data can be used to create a year-over-year analysis of how much a teacher advanced the learning of an individual student. Because value-added models can control for other factors impacting student test scores, the most important being whether a student arrived in a teacher's classroom several grade levels behind, this method of analysis can offer a more accurate estimate of how well a particular teacher is teaching than simply looking at the latest set of student test scores. High-flying teachers can be recognized, and low performers can be identified before they spend years doing a disservice to kids. Science and technology to the rescue again!" 09-10
- -A 50-State Look at the Common Core Standards (ABC News)
"A state-by-state look at the Common Core standards...." 09-14
- -Common Core Standards Politicized (ABC News)
"But states led the Common Core movement that really took off in 2009 and that effort was voluntary."
"The administration offered incentives to states to adopt college and career-ready standards, and Common Core fit the bill. The incentives included cash grants and permission to ignore parts of the much-maligned No Child Left Behind law."
"The standards emphasize critical thinking and spell out what reading and math skills students should grasp at each grade level, while leaving how those skills are mastered up to districts and states. The hope was that higher standards shared across state lines would allow for shared resources, comparable student performance measures and smoother school-to-school transitions for children who move, such as military kids." 09-14
- -Communicating Science to Kids (CenterforCommunicatingScience.org)
"Alan Alda, the Center for Communicating Science — and 11-year-olds around the country – are seeking answers from scientists to a timeless question: What is time?"
"That is the question for this year’s edition of the Flame Challenge, an international contest that asks scientists to communicate complex science in ways that interest and inform an 11-year-old. After screening for scientific accuracy, the entries will be judged by thousands of 11-year-olds in schools around the world. The winning scientists will be brought to New York to be honored in June at the World Science Festival." 12-12
- -Teen Sleep and Health (CBS News)
"Only 13 percent of high school students get the optimal amount of sleep, that's eight-and-a-half to nine-and-a-half hours. The American Academy of Pediatrics believes this contributes to obesity, high blood pressure, and depression." 08-14
- A Revolution in School Lunches (Time.com)
"But school lunch is facing new scrutiny. There's even a prime-time network reality show (Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution) that takes place in school cafeterias and has stars bickering about chicken nuggets and federally mandated grain servings. This is partly due to the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act, a once-every-five-years event when Congress decides how much federal money schools will receive under the National School Lunch Program. But it's more than that. This year's vote comes at a time of unprecedented attention to childhood obesity." 04-10
- Emotional Intelligence - Research on Bringing EI into the Workplace (Emotional Intelligence Consortium)
Provides summary of findings from 30 years of research on the development of emotional intelligence in the workplace. Can be applied to school environments. 10-99
- Error Rates of Filtering Programs (Hazelton)
Provides results of a study of the effectiveness of some of the most commonly used filtering programs. Programs tested included AOL Parental Controls, Cyber Patrol, SurfControl (SurfWatch), SafeServer, and N2H2 (Bess). 10-05
- Family Involvement with Student
- Field-Initiated Research Studies (National Institute on Educational Governance, Finance, Policymaking and Management)
"The FIS grants are grants for education research projects, including basic and applied research, inquiry with the purpose of applying tested knowledge gained to specific educational settings and problems, development, planning, surveys, assessments, evaluations, investigations, experiments, and demonstrations in the field of education and other fields related to education. Topics and methods of study are generated by the investigators, including teachers and other practitioners. Investigators are encouraged to disseminate information from their work through a wide variety of means, including research and practitioner journals, conference presentations, newspapers and magazines, and newsletters, as appropriate." 10-09
- Gesturing May Improve Learning (MSNBC News)
"Children taught to gesture with their hands as they learn new concepts perform far better at solving similar problems weeks later than children who don't gesture, a new study finds." 07-07
- Guidelines for Making Schools Safer (Education World)
Provides suggestions and resources for making schools safer. 6-00
- Hints for Better Nutrition at School (CBS News)
"The CSPI's nutrition policy director says schools that have made the switch prove it's not true that kids will only eat junk -- they just need to be offered healthier choices." 11-03
- Improving Instruction (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory)
Provides papers on some key issues, such as constructivism, cooperative learning, science as inquiry, and more. 04-10
- Initiatives of the Department of Education for 1997-8 (US Dept of Education)
- Performance Report - ABC Report (North Carolina Department of Public Instruction)
Describes the performance of North Carolina schools.
- Principals Share Strategies for Improving Scores (EducationWorld.com)
"Seldom is it by chance that those [student] scores have risen; it's the result of a concerted effort by an entire staff -- an effort that is very likely to include extensive data analysis, focused teacher training, frequent monitoring of student progress, practice testing throughout the year, student and staff incentives, and other strategies." 08-18
- Regional Educational Laboratories
Provides information on the national system of education laboratories, centers designed to provide assistance to K-12 schools. 2-01
- School Dropout Statistics (Intercultural Development Research Association)
Summarizes national school dropout statistics. 2-02
- School Improvement Issues (Achieve Communications - InsideEducation.net)
Provides articles for school improvement, with a heavy emphasis on utilizing technology. 10-01
- Schools Moving Toward a K-8 Model (ABC News)
"Philadelphia eighth-graders at the K-8 schools scored significantly higher on state tests than their middle school counterparts, studies by the Philadelphia Education Fund show. And nationally, crime takes off in middle schools, where it's 30 percent higher than in elementary schools, according to the National Center for Education Statistics."
" 'Middle-grades children in K-8 schools do far better than they do in middle schools,' Vallas said, 'both academically and behaviorally.' "
- Sherrie Gahn: Helping the Hungry in School (ABC News)
"Principal Sherrie Gahn said she was shocked when she first came to Whitney Elementary School seven years ago."
" 'The kids were eating ketchup packets,' Gahn said. 'I said to one of my teachers, "What on Earth are they doing?" and she said, "That's their dinner." ' "
"Whitney is not alone. A recent survey of elementary school teachers found that two-thirds of teachers reported spending money out of their pockets to help feed hungry students."
"The same survey, conducted by anti-hunger organization Share Our Strength, found that 17 million children in the United States are at risk of going hungry this year." 11-09
- States to Adopt National Standards for Education (New York Times)
"Less than two months after the nation’s governors and state school chiefs released their final recommendations for national education standards, 27 states have adopted them and about a dozen more are expected to do so in the next two weeks." 07-10
- Study Says Students Do Not Do Much Homework (USAToday.com - Toppo)
"Most U.S. students in elementary through high school spend less than an hour studying most nights, a report released Wednesday says. That's contrary to the popular wisdom that says kids today get too much homework." 9-03
- Summer School Trend (Time.com)
"The landmark 1983 federal report A Nation at Risk, which highlighted the growing achievement gap between the U.S. and other countries, recommended that school districts 'strongly consider' a seven-hour day and a 200- to 220-day academic year, which would hew more closely to the schedules in higher-performing Europe and Asia. Although the practice has yet to go mainstream, there's a big push to add school hours in underperforming urban districts." 07-09
- Teacher Pay Tied to Test Scores in Houston (USA Today)
"Houston became the largest school district in the country on Thursday to adopt a merit pay plan for teachers that focuses on students' tests scores."
"By a 9-0 vote, the Houston school board approved a plan that offers teachers up to $3,000 in extra pay if their students show improvement on state and national tests. The program could be expanded to provide up to $10,000 in merit pay for teachers."
"The teachers' union doesn't approve of the plan, saying it focuses too much on test scores and is too complicated." 01-06
- Teacher Resources (NEA)
Provides assistance in school improvement.
- Telecommunications Discounts for Schools (Report)
- Telecommunications Discounts for Schools Planned (News Release)
- The Recovery Act and Education (White House - ARRA)
"The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act invested heavily in education both as a way to provide jobs now and lay the foundation for long-term prosperity."
ProjectsPurchase Resources
- Education Issues - With Humor and Thoughtful Discussion (Faculty Shack)
Provides articles for high school teachers and administrators in a magazine format. "Our quarterly publication will provide teachers with a thoughtful and often humorous look at the realities teachers face. The journal will also serve as a clearinghouse for new approaches to classroom challenges. Finally, FacultyShack hopes to provide a forum for ongoing discussion of complex educational questions." 1-02
- School Administrator (American Association of School Adminisrators)
Provides a periodical, including past issues.
- School Improvement Research (Education Northwest)
Includes research on best school practices.
- Urban Educator 10-00
- Purchasing in Groups (Epylon)
Provides a service for educators to purchase education related materials and supplies as a group. 3-00
- Discipline in the Classroom - Conclusions from Research (Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory - Cotton)
Summarizes findings from research on the most effective methods of schoolwide and classroom discipline and management. "During most of its twenty-two year existence, the Annual Gallup Poll of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools has identified 'lack of discipline' as the most serious problem facing the nation's educational system." 3-02